Children have opportunity to learn English or Czech language from our teachers throughout the whole day.
8:00–10:00 Structured activities based on the day’s theme, Circle time | Children participate in various arts and crafts, music and educational activities, that focus on encouraging them to make their own decisions. Outdoor time practicing sports and games. Our playroom is organized in a way that encourages the children to learn while playing. Every toy, puzzle, or gadget that the children use has a permanent place. This teaches them to be organized and helps them to locate and return them easier. We spend this time going over the topic of the day, using songs, games and poems to introduce new words. We spend time revising the previous days lesson and the children learn to communicate with each other using what they already know. They learn to listen to others and to have confidence when expressing themselves. They broaden their vocabulary range and improve their pronunciation. |
10:00 Snack time | Snack time |
10:00–12:00 Time outside – walks and also trips outside of the school | Time outside – walks and also trips outside of the school |
12:00 Lunch | Menu |
12:30–13:00 Afternoon Review | Children are encouraged to talk in front of their peers and to express their feelings. It’s a great memory exercise teaching the students to reflect and recall what they experienced and learned in the morning. |
13:00–15:00 Rest | We read or listen to stories, play board game, and spend time relaxing. |
14:00–15:00 Preschool educational activities for older children | Preschool educational activities for older children |
15:00 Snack | Snack |
15:00-18:00 Organised activities and games in the nursery and in the garden | Organised activities and games in the nursery and in the garden |